This is our Zodiac Animal - Rabbit.
If you were born in 2023,2011,1999,1987,1975,1963,1951,1939,1927 then your Chinese Zodiac sign is the Rabbit.
Rabbit's are predicted to be gentle, quite, elegant and alert as well as quick, skilful, kind, patient, and very responsible, sometimes reluctant to reveal their minds to others and having a tendency to escape reality, but always faithful to those around them.
The pendant is made from 925 Silver. With then your pearl placed in the centre of the pendant where the 'head' would be.
The pendant comes with one oyster opening. Your pearl will then sit where the Rabbit's head would be. With this pendant the pearl would need to be set onto the jewellery.
You also get the option of what chain you would like. The chains are 925 silver and come in three different styles - Curb Chain, Trace Chain and Snake chain. You can choose which style you would like along with the length. Or you can choose to have a leather cord necklace instead of the chain. We have a variation of styles and colours with the cord. If you do choose to have the cord, please leave what length you would like it made to in the additional comments on the order form, as these are made to order and to the required length.
You also get given the option of adding a gift box.
If you would like this pendant ready made with a certain colour pearl. Please include that information in the additional comments at checkout, along with what colour pearl you would like.